Talk: Raising Children in the shadow of Internet

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Date: Friday, February 2, 2024
Timing: 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Venue: Online

All over the world now there is a rising awareness that though the internet allows us seemingly unlimited access to information it puts children at risk at a number of levels. However careful we are in allowing children access to the internet we know that children become aware of the phones, the television screens, the tablets and laptops in the family from a very early age. Learning quickly from their human environment young children are scrolling screens and focus attention in these other worlds. What can we do to help children who are raised in its shadow? How can we support parents juggling the need for access to information as research confirms that there are growing concerns about the early exposure for their children? Are there simple things we can do to ensure that our children are ensured a safe and happy childhood.

Presenters: Supraja 3-6 Training Team

Fee: Free

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